Thursday, March 19, 2009

Ok, time for an update

It's been a while I know, but I've been busy! Here's a breakdown of my week:

Monday: Film for WYRD after 5pm until whenever
Tuesday: Day off, go skating and take pictures
Wednesday: Head up to Layton for the day, hang out, take pictures and think of stats
Thursday: Work 2 shifts, 10:30am-2:30pm then 5pm-9pm
Friday: Work at night until 10pm, but go skating before, take pictures and try to come up with stats
Saturday: Work, skate in the day or hang out with friends
Sunday: Work at night

And it's been that way for a month or so now, but I've finally come up with my vision for this blog! It's gonna be the behind the scenes spot. Photos, videos, stories and interviews with those involved will probably pop up on here. I'm gonna try to get an update on here once a week, but I'm not gonna make any promises