Friday, January 30, 2009

Allow me to re-introduce myself

hallo, hola, bonjour, and whats up. This, as was mentioned in the previous post, the blog for Yom's Random Stats. What Yom's Random Stats will become is beyond me, but in the meantime I am going to introduce the brain trust that will be bringing you YRS.

I am Yom. Well, sort of. My God given name is Michael, but since 8th grade most everyone has been calling me Yom. So for all the intents and purposes of this blog I'm Yom.

I'm a photographer. Want proof? Here's some. Need more? A bit more. That last one goes all the way through SEMA day 4. There, chomp on that for a minute. Ready for more?

I skateboard too, and I'm a car guy. All of that can be evidenced by the numerous skateboarding and car photos. Enough of that. Let's meet the brains of the operation!

This, imposing? omnipotent? simple? you pick an adjective, is Trent!

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Arguably my best friend, and the one who decided to attach my name to a website that originally was all about statistics. He's married, works a job he doesn't enjoy, owns two mini schnauzers, drives a bright red Dodge Charger SRT8 and also takes photos. Here's his stuff. And I think you'll agree that I'm the superior photog.

In the coming days/weeks/months (if we put this off any longer than a month it's gonna die a lonely death) we will be bringing you...something. Like I said, I don't have a clue as to what Yom's Random Stats is gonna become.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Welcome to Yom's Random Stats!

This is the blog for Yom from the (almost)infamous Yom's Random Stats. Check back for more information later!