I don't care.
Michael Jackson is a legend, Farah Fawcett was an icon, Billy Mays was a dude who yelled at people to buy cheap things on infomercials. He was a legend in his own right, but not transcending races and generations like MJ. Does it suck that Billy is dead? Yes. Is there a generation of people who are gonna remember him dying more than MJ? Unfortunately yes, and that's pretty sad in my opinion. MJ and Farah were icons, Billy Mays just hocked shoddy wares on TV. There's a difference, a big one.
Now that that's out of the way TFAM (*shudder*) sent me this pic and told me it could be a possible blog post:

What do you think? Best caption wins something... I've got some old skateboards kicking around, so I'll hook you up with one of those. And a shout out in the next video. Deal?
"I pity the fool that don't exercise his USB drive!"