First Trent (I'm not calling him TFAM in this thing anymore, it's too ridiculous) sends me a text and asks if I'm available to film something. I usually am, but every once in a while I'm not. I reply to his text and, more often than not, head over.
Step 2, we find stats or pick an argument. Easier said than done. Last night it took us about 3 minutes to find the stats for the video, but I had been over there for 45 or something like that. The arguments for WYRD are a little easier, only because Trent is willing to argue anything.
Step 3: Set up the equipment. Find the tripod, drag out the $20 work lights (Big Lots kicks ass fyi), pop the camera on the pod, turn on the mike, set the white balance and hit record. Easiest part of the whole production.
Step 4: Argue/rifle off 5 stats. Tricky only because the arguments are done on the spot with little or no (mostly no) preparation, and I can barely read my own hand writing. But it usually goes off without a hitch, except the one time we had the epic tech fail. That is still a mystery we can't figure out.
Step 5: Edit the whole mess. Now Trent is doing all the editing right now on his 24" iMac (if you're editing anything this is as small as you want to go, trust me) with iMovie '09 despite having a copy of Final Cut Express. Why isn't he using FCE? Cause he doesn't know how to use it. This is where this thing comes in:

This is a 17" Apple eMac. It's been upgraded so it can run Leopard, and henceforth FCE. Trent got it for me so I can learn Final Cut and then show him how to use it. It works out for everyone: I get a dedicated video editing rig, and he gets to learn Final Cut without having to fail at every turn. He also got me this:

I have cracked it open, and Lord knows I'll be running to it whenever I need help.
Now this thing will get used for something you WILL see. We're working on a new project that I'm gonna film and edit myself. It's gonna be epic, and filmed on the epic handle cam!

It...It's the one on the right. It'll record, but the firewire port is dead. The one on the left won't record, but it'll play back and the firwire port is still live.
And since we're going this far, here's what my editing station looks like. Stare in awe and be jealous of that which you cannot have!

Yeah, yeah I know. I'll clean it up later, right now I got things to edit