Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Had some car trouble...

So last Saturday night my car had some "issues" if you will. A plug on the radiator blew out and sent most of my coolant the hole it was plugging. And all this happened while I was at work...on a Suncrest...which is a housing development on top of a mountain. I, unfortunately, had to leave my precious car on top of said mountain and return the next day to patch it up and limp it down the mountain. Thankfully Trent, TFAM whatever, picked me up from work the night before and agreed to help me fix the car the next day.

He had ulterior motives though. He needed content for the site, and so my tragedy became his opportunity. Here's what came of it!

Here's the radiator with a 7/16" x 14 bolt plugging the hole:

Here's the note I left so no one would ticket/boot/tow my car...although if they towed my car I wouldn't have complained:

And here's the actual note:

The car is alive and well now, knock on wood. And hopefully it'll survive long enough for this to take off so I can make a ton of money and replace it with something an STi or an Evo

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